Friday, December 18, 2009
for you
(Chirstine McVie; Fleetwood Mac)
For you there'll be no more crying
For you, the sun will be shining
and I feel that when I'm with you
it's alright, I know it's right
To you, I will give the world
To you, I'll never be cold
'cause I feel that when I'm with you
it's alright, I know it's right
And the songbirds are singing
like they know the score
and I love you, I love you, I love you
like never before
And I wish you all the love in the world
but most of all I wish it for myself
And the songbirds keep singing
like they know the score
and I love you, I love you, I love you
like never before, like never before...
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Traveling with toddler twins... am I crazy?
The biggest adventure ever awaits me. On a whim, and for a large number of reasons, I decided to fly to Portugal before the holidays to spend some time with the Mendes and Branco sides of the family. The biggest problem is that Nick won’t be able to come, given that he hasn’t been working long enough to have sufficient vacation time. Oh well. It will be me and the toddler twins, on our own, across the country and over the Atlantic; 15h one way (there), 18h back.
I went shopping last weekend for portable in-flight entertainment: coloring books, stickers (lots of them, dinosaurs, stars, boats, planets, shapes, cats…), crayons and markers, and a couple of tiny toys, a dinosaur and a motorbike (each). I spent almost nothing (thanks 99c store), and can only hope that each will last long enough, between meals and cartoons that they may care for, because I KNOW they will not sleep very much. Especially we-know-who (master Lucas…). Now I find myself getting nervous about the logistics of this all. Very much unlike me, I booked this flight before putting too much thought into it, because I knew I would eventually panic and change my mind. And I really want to go. But I think I can use some suggestions here, please keep them coming. Getting through security, shoes off, shoes on, and in the meantime, while trying to recover all of the carry-on baggage, how exactly do I manage to not loose one of the kids? What if they decide to explore while I blink?
The other thing is diapers. They are in the process of training, but I am not sure if I can take my chances on the flight or even at the airport, because we simply may not be able to go when they need to. So diaper will be on. But what about diaper changes?? I can manage going to the bathroom on the airplane with one child, but with the two it is just not going to happen. Not safely at least. So what do I do with the other?
And lastly, the arrival in Lisbon. From my experience, we have always had to get out of the plane into a bus to get to passport control and baggage claim. I need to get everyone out of the plane and into the bus, plus the carry-on and… the double stroller.
I don’t think it is possible to do this without an extra pair of hands, for what I am now only hoping for a generous soul to offer to help. When I flew back in 2008, alone with the twins, I was not very fortunate with the crew (they did NOTHING) but some passengers on one of the flights were amazing. The second flight was unfortunate in every way, but at least the twins were not mobile, one sat on my lap and the other traveled in a car seat beside us. Now it’s a different story, when we will each have our own seat. Ideas will be very welcome... we leave in two weeks.
Friday, September 04, 2009
a poem I like...
If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives; Be kind anyway.
If you are successful, you will win some false friends and some true enemies; Succeed anyway.
If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you; Be honest and frank anyway.
What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight; Build anyway.
If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous; Be happy anyway.
The good you do today, people will forget tomorrow; Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough; Give the world the best you've got anyway.
You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God, It never was between you and them anyway.
(Mother Teresa of Calcutta)
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
We had a little party
Then it was time to go shopping with mama. She had a change of heart regarding buying new clothes, and last minute decided that they should wear something new for their birthday… I could not find at all what I was looking for, but settled for something that worked just as well. Not that they care, really. Meanwhile, papa was cleaning the backyard and the grill, because we were expecting some guests…
We know, the rule kind of says one guest per year of age, but we totally went overboard, because even with twins and the excuse of doubling the minor partygoers, we had ten little guests (between the ages of 19 months and 11 years), their parents, and some childless friends. We had a blast! They all arrived after nap time (at my request, so we didn’t have little monsters hosting the party instead of cute birthday boys!!). The Rundqvists arrived and started with the cutest rendition of the Swedish happy birthday song. Well, the only rendition I have ever heard, but still adorable enough to bring tears to my eyes. It was one of the highlights of the day for me. We set up a blow-up castle in the lawn, and let the kids venture into it at will. Then the Diaz de Leon joined, after a detour to get some extra ice for our coolers, and carrying a delicious pasta salad and nothing less than a big bunch of balloons, to fill the eye and the joy of pretty much everyone. That was so nice!
After that, guests started trickling down: Dr. Stockmann with some cool beer that the gentlemen were all very grateful for, the Kurihide family with the super cute decorated little cookies that just vanished (mostly into Thomas), a salad by our so welcomed and yet unexpected guests Na and Biao. Before I knew it, there were people everywhere, clusters of kids in the family room, the kids’ bedroom, outside, in front of the TV or around the table having nibbles of whatever I had out.
After grilling peppers, zucchini, corn, chicken and steaks for about 2 hours, we finally had dinner and then… cake and presents. The twins really had no concept of presents and birthdays, so it was nice to watch them intrigued by the wrapped packages and the fact that they actually had things inside. Some adorable outfits (the Johnson lab, Na and Biao), handcrafted wall fixtures by the Cowburns, and a playdough set from the DDLs. Lucas opened every card and read “happy day”. Around 7 pm Thomas decided he was done. He came to me and asked to be held, and there he stayed until all the guests had left. He actually started waving goodbye to everybody still outside chatting, in a clear sign that his party was over… got to teach this kid some etiquette! We finally gave them the absolutely required bath before tucking them into bed… and then got on with business clearing everything away before collapsing in bed. I missed my gym the next morning, simply could not drag myself out of bed at 5:40 am… but sure had quite the workout the day before. Thanks everyone for a wonderful day, everyone was happy and we enjoyed so much sharing this day with you.
Pictures at…
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Ontem quando chegamos a casa, e como sempre, o primeiro pedido foi sumo (“juss”… agora que já dizem quase tudo em inglês), e eu resolvi que era mesmo boa altura. Sentei-os à mesa e trouxe o sumo em copos de gente grande, e preparei-me para os ajudar e assistir na complicada tarefa de não entornar e não se engasgarem. E não é que ambos pegaram no copo, com a maior das calmas, e com toda a destreza beberam o sumo? Sem salpicos ou engasgadelas! E eu, que não tive nada a ver com o assunto… senti-me um bocadinho traída. Então afinal já sabiam? Onde é que eles aprenderam a usar um copo? Não foi comigo! Tenho que perguntar hoje na creche como é, porque eu mandei os copinhos deles com tampas e palhinhas. É que eles já não bebiam de biberão desde os 9 meses, mas têm usado o que eles aqui chamam “sippy cups” (não sei como se diz em português…), mas esta foi uma lição para a mãe. Não subestimar os filhos. Mesmo quando eles ainda nem sequer fizeram dois anos!
Já comem sozinhos… escusado será dizer que ainda fazem considerável porcaria, mas nem pensar em oferecer ajuda, que no caso do Thomas é tida como uma imperdoável ofensa, e pode incusivamente resultar no termino da refeição. Confesso que não esperava estas manifestações de independência tão cedo. Estão convencidos que já não precisam de mim para nada! Eu ontem pelo menos já aprendi que eles já não precisam de mim para tudo…
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Endireitei-me em excitação e entusiasmo pela promessa de uma pequena actualização tua. Eu não sei muito bem como involuntariamente me vi “ligada” ao yahoo! Messenger, mas ainda bem que lá estava e me encontraste. Que pena estares tão ocupado… afinal não passou de uma ameaça, e a conversa terá que ficar para a próxima. Mas se tu soubesses as saudades que eu tenho de ti. Das nossas conversas, tanto quanto da ausência de palavras... tantas vezes para nós redundantes e desnecessárias. Se eu já por defeito, em repouso e sem estímulo exterior sou de natureza nostálgica (uma das coisas em que somos mesmo muito parecidos), esta manhã foste o catalizador do transbordo de memórias (boas!!) que me tem estado a distraír o dia todo. E eu que tenho tanto que fazer hoje!!
Se fiquei na mesma sem saber nada do teu presente, estou neste momento a ouvir a banda sonora do nosso passado: está a tocar no Oceano Pacifico (those were the days of our lives, the bad things in life were so few…). Estou capaz de apostar que estás a fazer o mesmo.
Bom, vou voltar às minhas leituras, estou novamente a escrever um projecto para financiar os proximos 2 anos de investigação. Temos que combinar um encontro virtual para eu te contar as novidades. Espero que este desabafo me liberte de ti, de nós e dos nossos… até que me apanhes outra vez!!
Beijocas, e ate já…
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Regresso a casa
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
decisions decisions...
Until last week. Dave and Claudia have been insisting on offering the trip so we can be there with them. After adamantly declining the offer for quite some time, I finally had a change of heart. First, because we really want to be there, and I know it will mean a lot to them too. And then because I realized we can’t possibly postpone everything and put our lives on hold indefinitely. We have no idea when we will ever be able to afford traveling to Europe again, maybe only when we move back for good. And so many things in our lives are on hold right now, that it seemed just crazy to pass on this opportunity. Needless to say that there were more tears over the weekend… but these were good ones. The twins (Nick and Dave) will reunite for a special occasion, and if nothing else, this will be an incredible treat for them.
So I am trying to take a breath, and not to panic about the fact that we will be making 6 flights in 9 days, through 3 different time-zones, accompanied by (very) mobile young toddlers that do not like to sleep on our laps. We will need a car that accommodates the oversize stroller (the only one I know they will fall asleep in!), car seats… and a whole lot of patience. Phew. OK. That’s decided, we’re going, and we will all make the very best of it. Can’t wait!
Friday, May 01, 2009
People speak of falling out of love, and of love fading away. I guess all is possible, I don’t love Nick the same “amount” every day, nor do I expect he does me… but I know always how happy we can be together, and we are fortunate enough to manage often and easily to re-connect from episodes of (apparent) distance. Giving up here to go find somewhere else, can be foolish… there is no relationship permanently in heaven, and if that is the expectation and we won’t take less than perfect, than we are bound to be disappointed, rather than pleasantly surprised.
Having said this, I am in no way against divorce, by any means. I am only and just for happiness!! I guess sometimes there is no other option, and others, there is an option that only one of the parties is willing to explore, so that doesn’t work either. It just makes me really sad. Because I know what an emotional investment a marriage is, how vulnerable we become when we share our whole selves with someone else, how much trust you build over the years… and how painful it must be to see that all taken away. I am so sorry. Please hang in there, the ones of you who have not yet managed to move on.
Monday, April 06, 2009
random update
As for actual work stuff, I am very happy. This lab offers tremendous work conditions, at all levels, and I feel very fortunate to have been given this opportunity. I am pretty much being given all I could possibly need to do a good job… so, on the other hand, there is the pressure to return the favor with great results. Actually, I think that is a good thing! So after a couple of minor stumbles in the first weeks, I think I have found my feet and things are going quite smoothly. Stumbles that could have been avoided, I must say. When I train someone in a new technique, I usually do the procedure and let the person watch. Then I watch the person doing it and make sure all the little tricks are passed on. Everyone can follow a protocol, but there are always nuances that only an experienced hand would know, that are not necessarily written in the “recipe”. So I find that I could have profited and saved some time with a different kind of “training” in the first few weeks, but I am happy that I finally got the grasp of things. The advantage of this DIY kind of approach is that I am pretty sure I won’t forget how things should NOT be done.
So I should have good and plentiful data by next week, or even by the end of this week. However I have been coming to work every weekend, so that has to stop because I am tired and feel that I desperately need to sleep… and I miss the boys. T does very well, he is so adaptable and flexible that he just rolls with the punches, but he is completely dedicated to whoever takes care of him, and one can clearly read that his loyalty lies with Nick, no two ways about it! L, as in most things, is the opposite. He loves it and thrives when we are both around, so he always misses the absent parent, and if when Nick was at work he just wanted him, now that I am at work, he just wants me. It is very clear that he misses me, and from the moment I get home, I am given little choice but to pay as much attention as humanly possible to this one little dictator. By the way, this last week he has developed an unprecedented and inexplicable fear of the bath… what the heck happened? He seems terrified and we cannot figure out why. Any ideas?
Thursday, March 26, 2009
sem escolha

Eu estive muito tempo sem trabalhar. Aliás, sem ter um emprego, porque o último ano e meio foram, sem sombra de dúvida, os meses mais ocupados da minha vida, tanto que voltar a o trabalho quase que sabe a férias. Quando acabei o doc, achei que seria relativamente rápido (questão de 2 ou 3 meses) encontrar o que queria. Não foi assim tão simples, e a coisa arrastou-se por mais um ano. E apesar de toda a espera não ter sido uma escolha, tive no fundo o luxo de poder esperar por aquilo que queria, pela oportunidade certa, e, sem pressas, insistir e perseguir o projecto que desejava para avançar na minha carreira. Demorou mas cheguei lá, e apesar de tudo, pelo menos por agora, sinto que valeu a pena. E se isto tudo foi difícil e às vezes desesperante, mesmo quando eu tinha opções e conforto financeiro, não é difícil imaginar o que é estar sem emprego contra a nossa vontade, natureza, capacidade e orgulho. Porque não temos escolha. E ainda pior quando não existe o luxo de esperar pelo que nos satisfaz, pelo que nos interessa, pelo que gostamos, por algo que se encaixe às nossas capacidades tanto quanto aos sonhos. É nessa situação que está o Nick. Sem escolha e sem luxos, sem tempo para esperar, porque tem uma família que precisa dele. E sem opções, porque de facto simplesmente não há empregos que cheguem para toda a gente! Pelo menos empregos que paguem o mínimo essencial para por os filhos na creche… ou seja, qualquer emprego que pague um pouco mais que o meu, já que o meu ordenado inteiro não chega para pagar tal despesa. Nao é um absurdo? Mas tudo se relativiza. Sabemos bem que ha famílias em situações bem mais desesperadas que a nossa, que enquanto houver pelo menos um ordenado, tudo se pode adaptar a essa escala, e quando há menos, olha, vive-se mais pequeno. Nao é esse o meu dilema. O que me custa é sabê-lo infeliz, insatisfeito e frustrado. Por uma razão que me ultrapassa, eu sinto que ele tem vergonha de estar desempregado. Apesar de racionalmente saber que não teve qualquer responsabilidade no infeliz desfecho para o que pareceu sempre uma promissora progressão na carreira, irracionalmente sente culpa. E ainda não consegui contornar essa tendência. A marca que lhe está no orgulho e na autoestima não irá desaparecer tão cedo… e agora para ajudar às inerentes limitações do desemprego, temos uma limitação geográfica. Estudamos até à exaustão as nossas hipóteses, e a eventualidade de surgir uma oportunidade de emprego longe daqui. Como seria? Sobreviveriamos? Provavelmente, mas tambem muito provavelmente à custa do meu posdoc. Se não estivermos juntos e igualmente disponíveis, como vai ser com os gémeos? Quem os vai levar a buscar à escola? E quando eu tiver que saír tarde? E quando algum deles estiver doente? E se ficar sem carro ou presa no trânsito? Se só há uma pessoa, não há como fazer turnos ou cedências ou acordos. Em menos de um fósforo eu teria que fazer as malas, desistir e começar tudo de novo. Não está fora de questão, mas é uma opção que preferimos adiar para já. Ou seja, para além de tudo, agora está… preso. A mim.
Monday, March 23, 2009
tarde em La Jolla
A tia Sandra e o Peter (Pita, para os meus filhos) estão de visita esta semana. Sábado resolvemos, apesar de não estar propriamente calor, ir passear até à praia (La Jolla shores), para apanhar ar e fazer algum exercício. A ideia era mesmo passear na calçada, mas fomos surpreendidos por um solinho imprevisto que prontamente me convenceu a tirar os sapatos (meus, do Lucas e do Thomas) e arregaçar as calças. O Nick ficou a tomar conta da “sapataria” enquanto a Sandra e a eu nos dividíamos por um gémeo cada uma, e o “Pita” insistia com paciência de Job na tarefa de apanhar os meus filhos em pose fotográfica. Já percebeu que eles não páram quietos o tempo suficiente para o disparo da máquina, muito menos os dois ao mesmo tempo, mas ainda assim acho que conseguiu algumas excelentes. O Thomas corre para dentro de água, sem medo, vergonha ou hesitações. O Lucas corre desalvorado para todos os lados, atrás de bolas (que não são dele), gaivotas, e de preferência na direcção oposta à da água. Compreender o oceano e toda a sua dimensão pela primeira vez penso que o terá intimidado. Mas apenas inicialmente, já que saíram da praia ambos completamente encharcados ate à cintura, e a verdade é que para o fim da tarde até nem estava assim tanto calor. Adoraram, e nós tambem. Esta praia fica a uns 20 minutos de nossa casa, temos que começar a ir mais vezes!
Friday, March 20, 2009
questions unanswered
Thursday, March 19, 2009
uma surpresa doce
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
back to work
Monday, March 16, 2009
Stay home Dad- Mama knows best?
So when our tumbling lives took this last turn (mama leaves, papa stays), I thought I had to spend some time cushioning my imminent absence, so I spent a few hours organizing a little schedule for Dad, very flexible in most things, except meal and nap times, and everything else is filled with alternating stimulating and calming activities. They don’t get to watch TV any more than 30 min a day (right Dad???), so we picked either Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, Sesame Street or Pooh and Friends, depending on when any of the three boys is in dire need of a break (mostly Dad). If the morning goes by uneventfully and without TV, they can watch their favorite video in the afternoon, which are just cartoon-animated videos of Portuguese children’s songs. T can go into a trance in front of the screen, but L, as in most things, moves on in a few minutes, or gets so excited about it that he desperately needs to share it with you. If you think that their TV time is your little coffee break, think again. Not on L’s watch!
So they have been building stuff with their giant Lego-like blocs (Nick’s favorite activity), playing basketball outside… well, to the extent of their still limited ability. Of course the basket is about their height, they barely need to reach overhead. They can also weed the flower beds, but we need to pay attention because L likes to eat the soil, and occasionally we have pretty fast and scary swarms of ants coming out of hiding. Fortunately no black-widows have been spotted recently… we exterminated a handful last Fall. I asked Nick to start taking pictures or make little videos so I can illustrate these posts appropriately.
They had a good day today, so I was told. Lots of belly laughs and peaceful playtime. Papa decided on a different treat this afternoon and prepared, to L’s watchful eye and poorly contained anticipation, nothing less than… a smoothie! I heard it was a hit.
Just before I started working, in response to my concerns about leaving the three boys all by themselves, I was told that Nick would be "just fine", because he's a great dad, and he would "figure it out", however, there are things that mom's just do best. I learned today that smoothies could well be an exception.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
O Lucas adora fruta. O Thomas não consegue comer fruta que não esteja passada: pede, põe ao pé da boca e diz “hmmmm” (como se fosse a sua comida preferida), e depois tenta comer (nos não insistimos) e faz uma cara que parece que lhe estamos a dar vinagre! Não vai. De maneira nenhuma. Morangos, melancia, bananas, pêras, pêssegos, ananás, maças, uvas, manga, papaia, goiaba, meloa, mirtilos… já experimentei TUDO. Aceito dicas e sugestões.
Estamos bem. Estaremos melhor e mais felizes quando o pai retomar a vida activa. Até lá… consolamo-nos nestes pequenos progressos e diárias novidades que não deixam de nos fascinar...
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
3 years later...
I'm not sure if I will be able to keep it up, but it seems lately that there is too much to talk about for me to remain silent.
FYI, I should be alternating posts in English and in Portuguese. Stay tuned...